Our Contributions to CO2 Reduction across Society
Our Contribution to CO2 Reduction across society through our mobility services
The PARK24 GROUP is helping to reduce the CO2 emissions of its corporate customers and society as a whole by promoting a transition from mobility using private or Company-owned vehicles to car sharing services. At the same time, the CO2 emissions of the Group as a transportation infrastructure service are increasing in step with the steady expansion of our business as a result of the seamless connection of our four networks under our medium-term business strategy. However, the business activities of the Group form part of the circular economy by encouraging the increased use of sharing services. For that reason, we include the resulting reduction in CO2 emissions by society when calculating our contribution to the reduction of total CO2 emissions.
Discussions regarding the integration of international standards for contributions to emission reductions are currently in progress. Through the use of our PARK24 GROUP services, we contribute to emission reductions across society as a whole, and we are working to judge our contribution both objectively and accurately. Currently, this type of contribution is excluded from calculations under the Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG protocols.
We have estimated the reduction effect in environmental impact through the Times CAR service based on Times CAR member surveys on transportation behaviors *1 and usage data.
A single Times CAR vehicle provides transportation needs *3 equivalent to 16 individually-owned cars. *2

A single Times CAR vehicle can effectively use the resources of 15 cars.
Effects of Mobility Services on Reducing Environmental Impact
Times CAR reduces CO2 emissions by 26% per kilometer traveled compared to traveling in an individually-owned car. *4

- *1A survey conducted by the PARK24 GROUP between 2021 and 2022 on the transportation behaviors of Times CAR members before and after joining
- *2This includes cars owned by private citizens and corporations
- *3Estimate based on the following responses by Times CAR members in the survey on transportation behaviors: "I got rid of my own car" and "I decided not to purchase a new car"
- *4An estimate based on a simulation model that was created by combining distance distribution for a normal trip estimated from Times CAR usage data with changes in transport methods, travel distance, and car model before and after joining based on the survey of transportation behaviors. The reduction effect in CO2 emissions is the overall value of reductions in travel frequency and distance by car, reductions due to “Park and Ride”, and reductions due to fuel improvements.
- *The above data estimates overall Times CAR usage based on Times CAR member surveys on transportation behavior and actual usage, and does not guarantee reductions in individual use. The above data was estimated by Park24 Co., Ltd.
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