Initiatives for Maximizing Human Capital Value

In our group, we consider "human resources (human capital)" as essential capital for realizing our medium- to long-term vision. To maximize its value, we have outlined five key themes and are implementing various HR measures.

Individual Growth and Skill Enhancement

We believe that the growth of each employee is essential for realizing the 2035 Medium- to Long-Term Vision and promoting its associated themes. To achieve this, we are committed to fostering self-learning and a challenge-oriented mindset for individual skill enhancement and autonomous career development, as well as implementing development and recruitment measures aimed at innovation creation.

Strengthening Skill Foundations by Hierarchical Level

To enhance the skills required for each level, role, and job type, we will continue to strengthen hierarchical training. This includes entry-level training, management training for managers, and leadership training for mid-level employees. Moving forward, we will also focus on training for executive candidates and young employees.

Enhancing Individual Skills and Fostering a Self-Learning and Challenge-Oriented Mindset

Introduction of the e-learning system

Since FY2009, our group has introduced an e-learning system to facilitate education and training using videos, enabling employees to learn and improve themselves voluntarily. This system provides an environment where employees can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties within our group, including legal and intellectual property knowledge, among various other fields. In addition to our group's original content, we have expanded the courses to include general business skills such as "Sales and Marketing," "Accounting," and "IT Skills." To meet the diverse self-learning desires of our employees and ensure they can take courses anytime and anywhere, we have established an environment that supports their self-improvement and individual career development.

Career Development Support Training

We conduct career development support training with the aim of providing opportunities for individuals to envision their future selves, understand the necessity of self-improvement for sustainable growth, and learn how to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills independently.

Promotion of Innovation

Since FY2021, we have launched the "Park24 Group Innovation Academy (PIA)" to cultivate the insight and thinking skills necessary for creating new businesses. Employees from the group are invited to apply for the course, and participants are selected through a document screening process. Selected employees undergo approximately six months of classroom training and individual mentoring by external instructors, with lectures held once or twice a month, aimed at planning and proposing new business ideas. Ultimately, they present their business proposals to the management. From FY2023, we have strengthened the support system for realizing these proposals through the New Business Promotion Department of Park24 Co., Ltd. As a result of these efforts, some proposals have been successfully commercialized. Our group continues to focus on developing talented individuals who can realize value creation.
Additionally, our group conducts year-round recruitment for both new graduates and mid-career hires to attract human resources with diverse knowledge. We actively pursue mid-career recruitment, believing that securing talent with varied experiences and perspectives can promote innovation. As of the end of October 2024, the ratio of mid-career regular employees stands at 72.1%. Moving forward, we will continue to strengthen our workforce through both internal development and external recruitment.

Promotion of Digital Transformation (DX)

To realize the 2035 Medium- to Long-Term Vision and promote its associated themes, we are committed to improving the IT literacy of each employee and fostering and recruiting digital talent. In addition to training programs aimed at enhancing ICT skills, such as specialized skill acquisition courses, we have established attractive systems and environments for all talents, including flexible wage systems for highly specialized positions and flexible working arrangements like full remote work, to maintain market competitiveness. We will continue to focus on developing and recruiting digital talent, development talent, and sales talent with extensive knowledge and high skills that can enhance the value of existing businesses and support the promotion of new businesses, in line with the realization of the 2035 Medium- to Long-Term Vision.

Organizational and Institutional Framework

We are establishing systems and organizational structures to ensure that each employee can thrive in diverse working styles and improve productivity.

Choice of Diverse Working Styles

We adopt flexible working arrangements tailored to job types, such as flextime, variable working hours, and shift work systems. Additionally, we have introduced systems that allow for short working hours and paid leave in one-hour increments to accommodate individual circumstances such as childcare, infertility treatment, caregiving, illness, and schooling. Furthermore, we have established stock paid leave, which allows employees to accumulate up to 60 days of unused annual paid leave for use in cases of illness, family nursing, caregiving, infertility treatment, etc. Moreover, we promote efficient working styles and work-life balance by utilizing telecommuting and satellite office work according to job characteristics. By embracing diversity based on individual career perspectives and creating an environment where each employee can work energetically, we support their maximum engagement.

Support Systems Aligned with Life Stages

We strive to create mechanisms and expand support that allow employees to choose various working styles according to their life stages, such as childcare and caregiving, and their individual life plans. We have introduced various systems, including the "Infertility Treatment Support System" to help balance work and infertility treatment, the "Babysitter User Support System" to subsidize babysitter costs, the "Sick Child Care Support System," and "Baby Leave," which effectively provides paid leave for part of the childcare leave.

Promotion of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and Health Management

Promotion of DEI

Our group believes that it is important to build an organizational culture that accepts individual diversity, including nationality, age, gender, as well as personal perspectives and characteristics, and allows everyone to work enthusiastically while respecting each other. We are promoting DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) by actively engaging in various initiatives such as disseminating information and conducting training across the entire group.

Internal Dissemination and Cultivation of DEI Culture

In our tiered training programs, we include fundamental concepts and case studies related to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) to educate our employees. Additionally, we regularly disseminate information through our intranet to promote internal understanding and strengthen the culture of embracing diversity.

Consultations and Seminars

We regularly hold consultations and seminars related to childcare and caregiving, such as "Childcare Leave Consultations," "Babysitter Support System Consultations," and "Work and Caregiving Balance Support Seminars," as well as video broadcasts.

Establishment of Consultation Desk

We have set up an internal "DEI Consultation Desk" to handle a wide range of consultations related to DEI, including those concerning childcare and caregiving.

Promotion of Health Management

Dissemination of Group Philosophy and Cultivation of Corporate Culture

Our group aims to create an attractive organization and environment where each employee, under the corporate philosophy, is highly motivated and can fully realize their potential towards achieving the 2035 Medium- to Long-Term Vision. We conduct an annual employee awareness survey (Career Engagement Survey) to visualize the degree of philosophy penetration and organizational issues, and work towards improving employee engagement. The survey results are reported to the management, including the directors, and are utilized in various HR measures.

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