Contribution to Reduction of Environmental Impact
Basic Approach
We recognize that our response to climate change and other environmental issues is an important social responsibility and that the pursuit of harmony between global environmental conservation and our business activities will lead to sustainable growth for the GROUP. As a transport infrastructure service company, we have identified the contribution to a sustainable global environment to be a material issue, and we are working to reduce CO2 emissions and other impacts on the environment through promoting business activity based on our environmental policy.
Expansion of Parking Service and Mobility Service Networks
Our parking service is a "place" sharing service, and our mobility service is a "car" sharing service. The sharing service is a business model that maximizes added value by increasing the operation of each service, so the service model itself is a circular economy business model.
Circular economy business is required for a sustainable environment and society in the future, and the expansion of each service network contributes to the reduction of environmental impact.

Expansion of Optimum Transport Services
We will work to accelerate the provision of transport services with a lower environmental impact through cooperation with railways and other public transport infrastructure operators.
Promotion of Transportation IC Park & Ride
Transportation IC Park & Ride is a transport system established in collaboration with parking facilities and railway operators, under which users park their cars at Times Parking facilities near railway stations before taking public transport such as a train or shinkansen bullet train to their destinations. Through this service, users can pay preferential parking fees. As this service reduces travel time through easing of traffic congestion and suppresses air pollution from idling, it is being promoted as a transport service with a lower environmental impact.

Promotion of Transportation IC Rail & Car Share
Transportation IC Rail & Car Share is a transport system established in combination with car sharing operators and railway operators, under which users take the train to reach the station that is the nearest to their destination and use car sharing services to travel from the station to their destination. Through this service, users can pay preferential Times CAR usage fees. We are expanding the number of car sharing stations near railway stations to promote improved convenience and optimization of transportation options for residents living along railway lines.

Increasing the Ratio of Electric (HV/EV) Mobility Vehicles
We will reduce the amount of CO2 emissions through increasing the ratio of electric (HV/EV) mobility vehicles. By promoting the electrification of mobility service vehicles, we are aiming to achieve our environmental goals of reducing CO2 emissions per kilometer traveled compared to the previous year.

Promotion of EV/PHV Charger Installation
We are installing EV/PHV chargers at Times Parking facilities and other parking facilities to help create an environment for electric vehicle driving.

Environmentally-friendly Car Maintenance
Use of Water-soluble Body Work Paint for Car Repairs
We use water-soluble paint in our nine repair factories across Japan, and do not use organic solvents that include many environmentally-harmful volatile organic compounds. We are also ensuring the health of our employees through the use of water-soluble paint.

Shortening of Car Washing Time for Mobility Vehicles
The washing of mobility vehicles is conducted efficiently and in less time in accordance with our own car washing manual. It is also environmentally friendly, given a reduction in water consumption.

Implementation of Energy Conservation Measures
Standardized Introduction of LED Lighting
The installation of eco-friendly LED lighting has been standardized at Times Parking facilities and Times Car outlets.

Power Saving in Offices
We have introduced the Warm Biz and Cool Biz initiatives to limit the excessive use of air conditioning. We switch off computers when leaving our desks for a long period and take other actions to reduce wasteful power consumption.

Related SDGs